Saturday, March 1, 2014

Welcome To Leviosaa

This is my first ever post on my *very official* new blog. Welcome!

I've been toying with the idea of starting a proper blog for a while. I did, as most of you know, major in English in college. Since I graduated with my Master's in 2011, I haven't written as much. I miss writing. Of course, I have my Tumblr and my Twitter and YouTube, where I can express my thoughts in other forms-- but it's not really the same, is it?

I have a lot planned for this new little space, including lifestyle things, beauty things, home things, and general thoughts things. If you're interested in seeing a bit more of my life (and the inside of my head) but aren't familiar with reading blogs, I recommend following me on Bloglovin' or subscribing to my posts via e-mail. You can do both in the sidebar to the right.

I leave you with a photo of my wedding shoes. Because I liked my wedding shoes, and this post needs a photo.

Thanks for reading!

xx Sarah


  1. So excited for you to be blogging! :)

  2. Welcome to Blogger! I hope you enjoy the experience.

  3. So looking forward to reading your blog posts! :) Love your youtube channel so looking forward to see you in another medium too! :)

    I have been blogging on and off for a while and people have been saying the blog is dying and I dont believe it so glad to see some new people!! :)
